The tarot deck is a popular outlet into the domain of the supernatural. It is widely believed that a tarot spread has the ability to accurately reveal the past, the present as well as the future. Interestingly, tarot pack was not linked to the occult culture and was neither a part of psychic reading right from the days of its introduction to the society. As such, it was actually a popular game for affluent people, known as the Game of Triumph. Initially, the tarot deck consisted of 52 cards. This set was composed of four additional queens. Gradually, 22 more cards were introduced to it. It was around this time that symbols and artworks were also added to the cards.

In course of time, popularity of the tarot deck surged significantly and it became related to the fraternity of mystics and psychics. Thus, if one looks at the history of tarot card readings, one will be amazed to discover the drastic changes that the pack of cards has undergone over the ages. The art and the science of tarot cards depend on the concept of dealing with a set of 11 forces. The set of forces is divided into seven Planets and four Elements. Interestingly, different combinations of the forces reveal different meanings. An expert tarot reader masters the knowledge of all these combinations to accurately decipher the answers that the tarot reveals.
Some experts depend on numbers to reveal the secret of tarot while others prefer graphics. The exclusive popularity of tarot spread reveals the inherent nature of the human mind to acquire knowledge about the supernatural world. In this ongoing age of the internet, free online tarot card reading services are uniquely popular across the society. These services use many applications of the digital world like email, SMS, online chat and video conferencing, etc. These services are usually conducted by proficient tarot experts, who use the deck as a springboard to ignite and flare up all the individual levels of consciousness residing inside the human mind.
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